A total of 3000 butterflies have been recorded in Croatia. So far around 440 species have been identified in our region. The number of butterfly species in a given area indicates the biodiversity of the environment. Butterflies are very sensitive to chemical contaminants and their presence or lack speaks of a healthy environment.
Our garden is home to one of the most beautiful butterfly – the Swallowtail (Papilio machaon). A swallow’s tail is a strictly protected species. Its wings are yellow with recognizable black patterns, and on the underside of the hind wings there are black “tails” after which it got its name.
It is important to us to attract butterflies to our garden because they do more for us than just adding color and beauty they also play important roles in the local ecosystem.
Would you like to attract butterflies to your garden too? You could try by applying these 5 tips:
- Use plants native to your suburb.
- Plant species that are a range of heights.
- Use mix of local native plants that flower throughout the year.
- Manage your pets responsibly.
- Minimise chemical use.
Interesting fact:
- You can be a butterfly like Petra in our garden 😊